
Before Dynamic Neural Retraining System

When my weight had dropped to 119 lbs

My rash from medication allergies







Before finding DNRS, I traveled to Ojai, California to receive treatment. Here is where I stayed. Notice the computer monitor outside my window? At least at that point, I could watch TV from afar and go on the computer as long as the monitor was insulated. Despite pursuing treatment for my conditions, my health continued to decline and I was forced to discontinue my treatment early.


After The Dynamic Neural Retraining System

Back to spending time with the whole family

On the left, is my mom. She saved my life as she cared for me for 4 years. Now we are enjoying our company together with all my grandchildren.


This is the first time meeting my grand-kids!

Skin and muscle tone restored to normal!

Having Thanksgiving dinner with family for the first time in 7 years

My friends and I are here celebrating my recovery a few months after completing the DNRS training. At one point in 2011, I had intentions to live in this RV. Not anymore!